Meet Sarah. She spells her name the cool way (like me) and she plays lacrosse. Naturally, we’re friends. And then there’s Spencer. Her beau who became her fiance who is going to become a proud papa to a puppy named George who will hopefully be the ring bearer at their Bristol, Rhode Island wedding next October.
I love these two together. They are so natural, and what I really love is how fun-loving and competitive they are with each other (scroll down to see what I mean). On Saturday we ventured to Minute Man National Park to snap some fall-themed engagement photos. When we first scheduled the shoot we feared Sandy would unrobe the trees of their foliage, but luckily the leaves were spared and brimming with effervescence during our sunset stroll.
After our “serious” photos the football jerseys came out. Let’s just say it’s a divided household when the Giants and Eagles face off during the season…
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These pictures look fabulous!
love them!! 🙂