Kerry and Kyle’s White Cliffs Country Club wedding is a testament to why the rain doesn’t have to be a bad thing on your wedding day. After the ceremony concluded, the sky opened up and it rained. No, it poured. It was messy! We scurried to the front of the venue where there was a bit of cover for formal portraits, and afterward I asked Kerry and Kyle if they wanted to go take pictures on the beach. In the rain. Without hesitation they said yes, and we hurried to the beach, umbrellas and all. The elevators down to the beach were broken, so we hiked down many, many flights of stairs. When we hit the beach, the rain subsided, and a beautiful rainbow appeared. It. Was. Magical. And so memorable. We had about 10 minutes before the rainbow disappeared, and if we would have nixed the beach all together, we would have never had this opportunity. I’m always down for an adventure, and I’m so happy Kerry and Kyle were up for anything.
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