This is the point in the year when I catch up on all the blogging that I neglected over the last year, and resolve to blog more and often in the new year. I feel energized and excited to take this blog to the next level, especially because a new website and blog will definitely be happening in the new year…I CANNOT WAIT.
In the meantime, I wanted to share one of my favorite rustic weddings from last October which took place at Meadow Wind Bed & Breakfast in Hebron, New Hampshire. Now, the morning of the wedding, Katie and Andrew were hoping the rain would subside so that they could wed in the beautiful field across the street from Meadow Wind. Unfortunately, the grounds were just too soggy so we retreated to inside of the barn, which was rustic, charming and intimate. This past fall we definitely had our fair share of rainy Saturdays, but every time it rained, each couple cherished the raindrops and fully owned the weather as part of their special day.
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