I’m not sure why we listen to what society tells us to do. Society tells us we need to marry a certain type of guy and do so by 30 (at least). Own a house by then as well. Pop out 1.5 kids, too. Vacation in Martha’s Vineyard (or the well-to-do getaway locale of your area). Own a luxury sedan. Weigh less than 130 pounds. Use botox when you spot your first wrinkle. Society shakes its finger at you, harking that the salary you make will never be adequate. More is less and less is unfortunate. That money buys happiness, and when without, happiness is just a pursuit. Society wants you to do things to impress your neighbors and friends instead of doing things for yourself.
Most of the time, society holds you back from what you want to be doing. Three years ago when I turned 25, I made the conscious decision to get rid of this checklist that society had assembled in my head. I quit my job. Moved to Boston when the economy was in the tank. Said goodbye to my friends in Arizona. And decided to pursue my long-time dream of moving to and living on the East Coast. Sure, this was frowned upon by many people, including family and friends. This was also a societal no-no, given the economic conditions.
But this is what I wanted – not what society wanted – and I made it work. More importantly, through this process I discovered myself and what I really wanted for my life.
Today I turn 28 and I know that because of the decision that was made by my 25-year-old self, I am happier, healthier and pursuing me.
So do me a favor. Do without the checklist. Don’t concern yourself with what others think. Do you.
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Sarah, its Allison Baer . I just found your cute blog and especially loved this post. Hope you are doing well. It has been so long. Hope you are enjoying the East Coast. I know I sure am.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” – Mike Tyson 🙂